
How to Choose the Right Database Management System

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What is a database?
It is the hub of a business house, the nerve center of the IT system of a company and holds crucial information that is vital to the growth and progress of the organization. It is thanks to a database that transactions ranging in the millions take place on a day to day basis.

This makes the database a vital cog in the wheel of enterprise and its management a point where no compromise can be acceptable. Database management is the proper utilization of resources so as to let a database function with maximum efficiency and management systems of this kind have become a product and a service just like any other. Companies vie with one another to offer the best in terms of performance, price, functionality and administration ease and support.
You can choose between an open source database system or something packaged for you. Some of the world’s leading brands are in the database business. You will recognize the names of IBM, Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Hitachi and Sybase among others.
When it comes to the all-important question of how to choose the right database management system, here are a few points to keep in mind.
1. Size of organization
The size of the company you work for will determine whether your programs will be complex or simple. So start with size. If yours is a start- up, for instance, you can even manage with good original software form your own desktop PC or laptop. All you need at this point is perhaps some basic organization functions and retrieval options.
If yours is a larger enterprise, then you need a database that runs on a mainframe and can handle different and numerous numbers of workstations in the network. Considering that the information needs to be shared across thousands of computers, the mainframe needs to be sturdy and capable of withstanding massive amounts of traffic. So start with the size of the organization.
2. Type of organizational structure
Depending on the style of database organization you like, you could look for database management systems that suit your needs as well. For instance, in the hierarchical database type of structure, there is greater communication among managers who need to see how different components of a system harmonize with one another, as in the case of a computer network. A relational database on the other hand is the grouping of data together by connecting different pieces of information along the lines of shared and similar attributes.
3. Cost of database management system
It is important to consider the cost of the system without compromising on the quality of the product. The rule of the thumb is that the more complex the software, the more expensive it will work out to be. While you might wish to consider buying inexpensive software as a short term gain, expensive software may work out to be the better bet in the long run if it is of superior quality.
4. -Track record of manufacturer
This brings us to the obvious point of reputation and track record of manufacturer. It makes no sense to be stingy when it comes to investing in something that will be pressed into service every single day, around the clock. Make sure that the system you’re choosing comes with great pedigree and offers state-of-the-art-security. This will more than compensate for whatever amount you tjoml may be excessive right now.
5. Information retrieval
How might you like your information to show up? As a chart or a graph or as a list for easier reading of bills of materials? A well formatted report in PDF or excel sheet design may be a pleasure to behold. Depending on what your answer is, you can find a database management system of your choice.
The right database obviously makes a vital difference to your organization. So be cautious when you make your choice.

This is a guest post by Nathan Brown of buyatt.com, a site that offers savings and current information on at&t Uverse as well as att.com services.

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