
PHP for beginners -Lesson 3

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In this tutorial we will discuss about various ways to write if else condition with basic example.

If Statement Syntax :

if (condition){
    code to be executed if condition is true;

Sample Code :

$str1 = "Ram";
$str2 = 'Sita';
if($str1 == 'Ram'){
echo "Ram is a boy";
if($str2 == 'Sita'){
echo "Sita is a girl";
$dob = date("d/m/Y");  // Later we will discuss about date function in details..
// Date function returns current date.
//d- current date(1-31) , m- current month in number (1 to 12) & Y – Current Year in 4 digit eg : 2011,
//y- Current year in 2 digit ( eg : 11 )
if($dob == "23/07/2011"){
echo "Happy birthday to you";
// Consider today's date is 23/07/2011
Output :

Ram is a boy
Sita is a girl
Happy birthday to you

if..else Statement

Syntax :

if (condition){
code to be executed if condition is true;
    code to be executed if condition is false;

Sample Code :
1. Check whether number is odd or even

$number = 5;
if($number % 2 == 0){
echo "$number is even number";
echo "$number is odd number";
Output : 5 is odd number

2. Check leap year

$year = 2011;
if ( $year % 400 == 0 OR ( $year %100 !=0 AND $year%4==0)){
echo "$year is leap year";
echo "$year is not leap year";
Output : 2011 is not leap year

3. Find the greater  between 2 numbers <?php
$num1 = 10;
$num2 = 20;
echo "$num1 is big";
echo "$num2 is big";
Output : 20 is big

if…elseif….else Statement

Syntax :
if (condition){
    code to be executed if condition is true;    
} elseif (condition) {
    code to be executed if condition is true;    
    code to be executed if condition is false;    
Sample Code :
4. find the biggest among 3 numbers <?php
if($a>$b AND $a>$c){
echo "$a is biggest";
echo "$b is biggest"; }else{ echo "$c is biggest";
Output : 20 is biggest

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